
Ending the Pandemic: Returning to Normal

If we want to ditch masks and get back to normal, medical experts at private hospitals, not the government, are saying we need to encourage more people to get vaccinations.

A doctor at the Baylor Texas College of Medicine (a Christian College) explains why. He leads with what is happening in India and what it means for ending the pandemic safety measures here.

Bottom line: At the rate we are going, he says we won’t get the protection we need until October unless more people get vaccinated. And, he says, the very people who are crying for personal freedom and “a return to normal” but refuse to get vaccinated are actually the ones who are holding up societal progress towards getting rid of masks, and returning to normal. Please do what you can to encourage your communities to get vaccinated so we don’t have wear masks in Fall.

Updates from DHS

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has a page dedicated to connecting parents and guardians with information they should know about COVID-19 and vaccines for children. (August 2022).

There are also resources on vaccine safety available in multiple languages on the DHS COVID-19 vaccine resources page.

Vaccine Eligibility

All adults are eligible to receive a vaccine and subsequent booster doses.

As of July 21, 2022, COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for children six months and older. Children five years and older are eligible for boosters, according to the CDC.


Vaccination Planning for Educators Checklist – Department of Public Instruction

COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit for School Settings and Childcare Programs (3/8/2020) – CDC