As WCRIS continues to advocate for private K-12 schools in Wisconsin amid the spread of COVID-19, we want to assure you that WCRIS remains operational. In line with recommendations from the CDC, our team will begin working remotely tomorrow, March 19.

Due to the nature of working remotely, some communications and other services may be delayed. The easiest way to contact our office is through email. You can email and a staff member will answer your questions. If you do call our office, you need to leave a voice mail and response time may be delayed.

WCRIS will continue to update you via our homepage, COVID-19 page and Current Events.

WCRIS is committed to serving you and your school community during these uncertain times and will do everything it can to meet your needs.

Amid the chaos, we received the following note from a WCRIS teacher that gives some comfort and perspective:

“Yesterday, I hugged many of my sweet kindergartners for the last time for a few weeks or maybe more. I saw looks of confusion of what was going to come next and when they were going to be in our classroom again. I came home and cried because I realized how important they are to me and how teaching them makes me feel purpose and how their little joys bring a smile to my face. Teaching them through e-mailing and messaging goes beyond the limits of ‘kindergarten’ and is something I never in a million years thought I would have to do. But the pictures their parents send me of them having fun and smiling brings me hope and helps me remember they are still embarking on a journey of learning, even though it looks a little different. I pray for all the parents out there with these changes thrust on them. Remember, it’s a sweet time to soak up with your kids. Try to see it as a gift, hug them tightly and remember somewhere there is a teacher who would give anything to be in their classroom with them learning together. We will get through this.”

Amen to that! So, as we disperse to live out this emergency model of education, please join WCRIS staff in prayer. Both in a litany for the many needs we see around us, and in Thanksgiving for the gifts that are giving light in the darkness.

Committed to a higher standard, we remain,

Here to serve,

Sharon Schmeling, Executive Director
Abbie Pavela, Project Manager/Wisconsin Private School Ombudsman
Daniel Henderson, Communications & Outreach Coordinator
Mary Johnson, Executive Assistant