The December White House meeting was the second time in recent months that WCRIS has been invited to policy discussions with top federal officials in Washington, D.C.

In September, WCRIS staff met with Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

That meeting, attended by Schmeling and Private School Ombudsman Abigail Pavela, included over 150 private school leaders from around the country, including Waukesha’s Jim Rademan, the national director of WELS schools.

In a private exchange with Secretary DeVos, Schmeling emphasized the need for the Administration to pressure Congress to tackle the long-overdue reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The IDEA was passed in its current form in 2004. The law is supposed to be reauthorized every six years. The IDEA currently does not recognize many disabling conditions, nor does it recognize new therapies and technologies that assist children struggling with a disability.

As a result, the law is failing to fully serve thousands of children in great need, Schmeling said in the exchange.

DeVos also highlighted “Education Freedom Scholarships” that would allow businesses and individuals to get 100 percent federal tax credits for donations to “scholarship granting organizations” or SGOs. The proposal calls for $5 billion in tax credits for donations made to organizations offering scholarships for private schools, apprenticeships and other educational programs.

Schmeling said the plan faces fierce opposition in Congress.