WCRIS took its case against the Dane County school closure order to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court for oral arguments this week. Our attorneys, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) says a decision is weeks away.

In the meantime, schools are struggling to keep their school buildings safe for in-person instruction. Harvard Public Health Professor Dr. Joe Allen, an expert on building air quality and safety, met online with Dane County parents and school administrators to talk about his 62-page report on how to safely reopen schools.

Dr. Allen talks with Dane County private and public school leaders about his report and how children are being affected by being kept out of school: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/DJDEzniwrg_IRcKurthhUNakRvWeVKJ-iUdSpXS9jizeRfAiMCbF5-0WEPD6tJ4.8XP_jqK1KbI4xXzR