Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 was granted yesterday (11/3). The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has shared with DPI the next steps before the use of the vaccine in Wisconsin by vaccinators.

DHS is awaiting word of official approval and sign-off by the CDC director. Once that happens, DHS will wait for the clinical considerations to be published. DHS needs to update policies and procedures for local and tribal health departments and the standing medical order in the state needs to be amended. In addition, attestation by providers as to the completion of training needs to occur before a provider can begin to vaccinate children.

The first four steps could happen by the week’s end. Training completion is up to each provider, so the timeline for individual vaccinators being ready to begin vaccination may vary across the state.

The biggest benefits to children being vaccinated is that it will help reduce the disruption of a child’s education from outbreaks and quarantines, and possibly the need for masks.