Educators who need to complete a background check with DPI for the 2019 school year should have their application done by 11:59 p.m. June 29 or your valid Life or Lifetime license will be invalid, according to the DPI.

WCRIS is recommending this deadline because the DPI notified WCRIS that its Educator Licensing Online System will be down on June 30 until noon for maintenance, thus creating problems for timely renewal.

In addition, the Background Check for educators who hold Life and Lifetime licenses will also be down July 1 through July 5. This will allow the DPI time to invalidate licenses for people who have not submitted an application.

However, DPI says these educators can get their Lifetime licenses back if they submit a Background Check application by December 31. If they miss the December deadline, DPI will issue them a Provisional License when they next apply and they will need to have another six semesters of successful teaching experience to get their Lifetime license back.

The DPI blog post on license renewal and system availablity can be read here.