An avid supporter of K-12 education in Wisconsin, former U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.) passed away last week at the age of 88. WCRIS joins all who were impacted by his philanthropy in sending its condolences to the Kohl family.

Sen. Kohl founded the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation in 1990 to recognize outstanding Wisconsin teachers, administrators and students. To date, the foundation has given over $34 million to students and staff at public and private schools.

In recognition of his impact on private schools, WCRIS awarded the senator a WCRIS Friend of Education Award in 2017.

“Sen. Kohl has done much to elevate excellence in K-12 education in the state, and we will be forever grateful for his generosity to Wisconsin’s private schools,” remarked WCRIS Executive Director Sharon Schmeling.

To learn more about Sen. Kohl’s life, work and legacy, go here.