How to Respond to Attacks on Private Ed & School Choice

Gov. Scott Walker released his budget plan late Wednesday afternoon, which will launch a four month debate over K-12 education in Wisconsin, as the legislature responds to the Governor’s proposal and makes changes of their own before a final budget bill gets passed in June.

Capitol watchers are predicting that the opponents of equity in education and school reform will complain about school choice, transportation costs of busing private school kids, and the costs of including them in special education programs.

While early reports on the Budget proposal indicate that funding for education will see an increase, it is anticipated that opponents of school choice will complain that private schools are unaccountable and are taking money from the public schools.

You can respond by setting people straight with factual information from this quick overview of Private School Facts and How to Use Them on the WCRIS website.

When it comes to responding to attacks on the state’s Parental Choice Programs, there’s also a policy brief from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty. It thoroughly addresses the typical inaccuracies mentioned by advocates for the status quo, politicians, and some in the media.  The brief is attached and can be found here.