Under the Special Needs Scholarship Program (SNSP), private schools are required to develop with a student’s parent an agreement of services that will be provided by the school. The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has developed a services agreement form that it uses as an example during SNSP training. Schools are not required to use this form although it may be tempting to simply copy it.

However, WCRIS believes the DPI example form lacks clarity about what the law actually requires of schools, and could lead to misunderstandings with parents and public school districts.

Therefore, as a service to its members, WCRIS has developed a fillable template for principals and special education teachers to use when completing the SNSP parent/school agreement. The WCRIS template has been reviewed and approved by legal counsel and clarifies the school’s obligations.

The WCRIS template includes language that may help protect your school from issues that could arise when services for SNSP students are over-promised, and under-delivered, as may occur with the DPI example form.

You can download the template here.