By January 1, 2021, every school board and governing body of a private school must file the following information with the Office of School Safety [Wis. Stat. 118.07(4)(e)]:

  • a copy of its School Safety Plan, including the most recent date on which the school board or governing body reviewed and approved the school safety plan;
  • the date(s) of the required annual School Violence Drill(s) during the previous year, including certification that the school board or governing body reviewed a required written evaluation of the school violence drill;
  • the date of the most recent school safety plan training (required under 118.07(4)(c)), and the number of attendees; and,
  • the most recent date on which the school board or governing body consulted with a local law enforcement agency to conduct required on-site safety assessments.

To help schools streamline the process, the Department of Justice Office of School Safety (OSS) has a helpful checklist for submission.

Schools can submit their plans to the OSS via a share file drive provided by the OSS. You can find the link to the share file along with instructions on how to upload documents here.