Under the 2017 Act 143, section 29, schools are now required to submit their blueprints to all law enforcement agencies that have jurisdictional control over the school and to the Office of School Safety, by July 1, 2018.

Schools must submit blueprints that are not architectural plans. They must, however, be a floor plan or school map that shows doors, windows, stairways, room numbers, and other information that would be helpful for emergency services to locate and respond in a crisis situation.

If you have submitted these plans during the school safety grant application process, then you have met the requirements. If you have not, submit your blueprints with the following file format.

Blueprint submission requirements

  • Should be submitted as a zip file type. See instruction below on how to create a zip file.
  • You must name the zip file with the following format:
    • “[Mailing Zip Code of School]_[LEA Code]_[School Code]_[School Name].zip”
    • An example would be Abbotsford Christian Academy will submit their file as 54405_0007_0005_Abbotsford_Christian_Academy.zip. Note that there are underscores where space would be in the school’s name.
  • LEA and School Codes can be found here.

You can submit your blueprints here, or by following this link: https://widoj.sharefile.com/r-r300f5e9a30848d79

To create a zip file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate your blueprint file that you are going to submit.
  2. Right click the file and select the option that says “compress” or “create zip”
  3. Once the zip file has been made, right click again and select the option that says “rename” or “name”.
  4. Enter the new name according to the required format above.
  5. Hit the ENTER or RETURN key to complete the naming of the file.

If you have any questions or feel that you need more time, contact the Office of School Safety at schoolsafety@doj.state.wi.us.