For Administrators
Learn how WCRIS partner organization, Copier Consulting, can help your school potentially save thousands of dollars on a copier contract.

Register for “An Unexpected Gold Mine” on Nov. 1 at 1:30 p.m. for insights to copier contracts, the sales process and where you might be unknowingly overpaying.

This is a member-favorite webinar, and WCRIS members receive a free assessment from Copier Consulting. Save your spot!

For Parents
WCRIS has teamed up with university experts, College Inside Track, to offer a free webinar on Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. about recent changes to the college application process, from admission trends, financial aid insights and the importance of ACT/SAT scores.

This webinar is free to all parents at WCRIS schools. Go here for a registration link to include in your school’s newsletter, websites and social media pages.