Question: We are currently looking at options for re-training our faculty and staff in Trauma Informed Care (TIC). Is this still a service WCRIS offers?

Answer: There are a few ways that you can train your staff in TIC.

The best and free option is to utilize the DPI’s TIC modules. You can work through these online modules at your own pace, and they are designed to be done on an individual basis.

However, WCRIS has a guide that takes the free modules and turns them into a group professional development event. The group approach will likely be more fruitful. It was designed by a WCRIS teacher.

The guide is easy-to-follow and gives you everything you need to facilitate the training as a whole staff, on a schedule that is convenient for you. This option also allows you to incorporate your school’s culture in the training.

You can access the guide by logging into the Members Portal on the WCRIS website. If you do not have an account, you can create one.

If you are looking for a professional group to come to your school and train your staff, Wellpoint Care Network is a great resource. They were formerly known as SaintA, and they are based out of Milwaukee. They do charge for their training.