Question: I have a family that has moved from another state who would qualify for the choice program. If they have missed the application window, can they apply?

Answer: No, the application window has closed.

Out-of-state students are eligible for the program regardless of previous public or private school enrollment, if they apply during the application window.

It is recommended that your out-of-state students attend their local public school to maintain their eligibility for the choice program next year. Students who were previously enrolled at a public school can apply to the choice program at any grade level. However, students who were previously enrolled at a private school must be applying for: K4, K5, first grade or ninth grade.

For more information about out-of-state students applying to the choice program, see question 16 on this DPI bulletin.

Questions about the choice program are also addressed in the WCRIS School Choice Handbook. Order your copy here.