Question: Can I use my synod’s materials to train my staff on mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect?

Answer: State law indicates that all school employees are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. However, specific mandated reporting training is only required of staff employed at public schools or a private school that participates in the choice programs or Special Needs Scholarship Program.

If your school participates in choice, the DPI has indicated that you have to use its training resources, and all new staff at the choice school must be trained within the first six months of hire and at least every five years thereafter.

The DPI’s resources were created to help school officials facilitate an in-person training session with several staff members, or there’s an online module that individuals can complete at their own pace. Either option will satisfy the requirement. You may want to keep in mind that the DPI’s resources are generally designed for public school culture so private school leaders may want to supplement the information with their jurisdiction’s materials after completing the DPI’s training.

Some lawmakers have just recently begun to question the legality of requiring choice schools to use the DPI’s training. WCRIS is grateful for their efforts, but until the DPI changes its guidance, choice schools still have to comply.

If your school doesn’t participate in the choice programs, you can use training materials from your synod, diocese or oversight jurisdiction. It may be helpful to also incorporate the DPI’s many resources to add to your staff’s knowledge as all school staff are still mandated reporters of child abuse and neglectFind the DPI’s materials here.