Question: According to the DOJ Office of School Safety’s (OSS) website, “Wis. Stat §118.07 Annual School Submissions” are required of all private schools. Is this something new? What about the plans that I’ve already been submitting?

Answer: The name of schools’ yearly submissions to the OSS has changed from “2017 WI Act 143 Requirements” to “Wis. Stat §118.07 Annual School Submissions.” Both terms refer to the same required, annual safety document submission due on Jan. 1. But the OSS and WCRIS will be using “Wis. Stat §118.07 Annual School Submissions” going forward.

The updated term reflects the name of the state law that requires the submission, rather than Act 143 from 2017 where it originated.

Find out what documents you have to submit, and use this OSS checklist to help you upload them on time.

Regardless of any previous submissions in 2022, a new upload is required from your school for 2023 by Jan. 1, one month from today.

Learn more.