The federal EANS I grant period will end on September 30, 2023. The DPI has issued guidance indicating that when the grant expires the titles to any materials, supplies and contracts that are eligible under another active federal grant can be transferred to the appropriate federal program.

For example, physical education equipment purchased under the EANS I grant can be transferred to Title IV-A when the grant expires as long as the private school is participating in Title IV during the 2023 school year. The school can continue to use the equipment under Title IV until they no longer participate in an eligible federal program.

Therefore, it is extremely important that your school evaluates participation in Title IV or other eligible federal grants in the coming school years. Considering that the EANS grant will expire in 2023, your school would need to indicate participation in Title IV or another eligible federal program in the Spring of 2023. Most districts will begin requesting participation information and holding consultations for the 2023-24 school year starting around March of 2023.

Talk to your district now about Title IV or other eligible programs if you are not currently participating in them.

Note that some of the items purchased may not be transferable. As a result, the state may collect those items when the grant period is over.

Read more about it here.

See all the latest DPI EANS updates here.