The following are highlights from the June issue of the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) newsletter:

Boston Archdiocese Opens Nation’s First Catholic Virtual School

The Boston Archdiocese will open a new “school” for the first time in 50 years. There will be no school building. It will offer a blended education. Students will be in virtual classrooms for four days. On the fifth day, students will go out on field trips and outings.

Vermont Win for Religious Schools

The Federal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled that Vermont can not prohibit schools from participating in its state voucher program because of their religious affiliation.

Choice Expands Across the U.S.

Five states passed some form of school choice over the last year. Many states are expanding or changing their current choice programs in response to the cry for educational freedom during the pandemic.

Membership in CAPE is included in your WCRIS membership. Read more about all these stories here.