November 30 UPDATE:

After initial approval of the Vaccine Incentive Program (VIP), The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) is not refusing to cover them. WCRIS and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) are appealing the Department’s decision. Schools reach out to CESA 6 at if they are planning to do a VIP.

Now that children aged 5-11 are eligible for the vaccine, you can use your EANS funds to sponsor a Vaccine Incentive Program (VIP). Incentives can be as much as $100 per child.

Or, your VIP can offer a chance to be entered into a drawing for a school tuition scholarship/s. Be ambitious as you develop your school’s VIP. Depending on your allocation, you can determine the number of scholarships and their amounts. Leave it to CESA 6 to determine whether it’s allowable. You can then adjust your program according to their guidance.