Your Voice Counts

Governor Evers is asking state residents to contact their legislators and ask them to weigh in on his COVID-19 response and prevention efforts.

In a briefing earlier this week, Gov. Evers called on Wisconsinites to contact their legislators and give lawmakers input on the state’s pandemic response.

Wisconsin Republicans have said they will come in after the Nov. 3 election in an extraordinary session to end the Governor’s public health emergency and end the mandatory mask order, according to the Wheeler Report News Service.

Evers is hoping they won’t do that. He said he continues to wait for legislators to offer any recommendations or actions in the state’s COVID-19 response, short of rescinding his orders.

Evers said Wisconsinites should contact their state representative and state senator and ask them where they stand on the public health emergency, where they stand on the mask mandate, what their plan is to flatten the curve and to demand that if they are going to take a vote, they do so before the Nov. 3 election.

WCRIS has no position on the Governor’s orders nor on the Legislature’s approach to the pandemic. However, the Governor and legislators need to hear from everyday people who are trying to live and work with COVID-19. So your opinions and experiences matter.

Your phone calls and e-mails can help inform legislators about life “on the ground” in private schools across the state.

The legislative hotline is 1-800-362-9472. They can tell you who your legislators are and route you to your legislators (State Assembly Representative and State Senator — not US Senator).

Or, you can e-mail your legislator or the Governor. Go here to get their address. Click on the “Who Are My Legislators” button on the right.