A proposed “lunch shaming bill,” otherwise known as “the Hunger Free Schools Act” or Assembly Bill 84 (AB 84) ran into barriers today in the state legislature.

The Assembly Education Committee held a hearing on the bill which ran nearly 3 hours and brought 13 people and groups to testify; including WCRIS.

While there was general agreement that “lunch shaming” is harmful to children, there was a lack of consensus about whether the proposed law would actually end lunch shaming.

WCRIS, along with several other groups, pointed out several problems with the proposed bill. Read WCRIS testimony here.

“Lunch shaming and bill collection are two separate issues but collided in this bill in a very worrisome way,” said Sharon Schmeling, WCRIS Executive Director.

The bill is expected to remain in committee until the sponsors have addressed many of the issues raised at the hearing.

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