Thank you to everyone who joined WCRIS and PRA for yesterday’s webinar, Building Your School to Support Your MissionIf you missed it, watch the recording here.

Thank you to WCRIS partner, Plunkett Raysich Architects (PRA), for their expertise yesterday!

And don’t miss out on our other upcoming Lunch & Learns. See descriptions from the presenters below:

April 24: Building Better Brains Through Understanding and Connection
Session information from CESA 6: In this Lunch & Learn webinar, participants will learn to identify the states of the brain and how both adverse and positive experiences impact its development. Educators hold the power to increase resiliency and protect against risk for mental and physical illness through supportive and connected relationships. Join K-12 education experts from CESA 6 for an opportunity that will build your capacity to serve your school community. Register now!

May 1: Where the Science of Learning Meets the Science of Reading
Session information from Collaborative Classroom: While the science of reading tells us what is essential for building a reader, the science of learning tells us the conditions that are necessary for learning to thrive and to last. Participants will learn about the evidence base for the science of learning and connecting those principles to the components of the Reading Rope. Grounded in professional readings and discussions as well as lesson and video analysis, join experts from Collaborative Classroom to learn more about how combining the science of learning with the science of reading has the potential to meet the needs of the whole child and support the development of independent learners. Save your seat!