The DPI’ Special Needs Scholarship Program (SNSP) staff held a virtual training session last week for about 100 participants. For those who couldn’t attend, here’s what you missed:

Interestingly, the presenters pointed a few questioning principals to this little-known public school FAQ, especially in the instance of a public school district refusing to develop an IEP for a private school student with a disability.

The DPI advised that parents should point the district to this FAQ (and email the DPI) if their attempt for an IEP for their child is unsuccessful, as long as the request is being made to the student’s resident school district and the student has been found to have a disability.

This, unfortunately, has become a common program hiccup that WCRIS staff is consistently helping our member schools navigate with parents. Don’t hesitate to contact us if this issue arises, and you need help.

There were also several questions about parent services agreements. As a reminder, WCRIS has published a template for that agreement, which is only available to members. You can access it by logging into the WCRIS membership portal. Please contact our office if you need assistance with your account. Our SNSP Handbook is also always available.

With the exception of the increased scholarship amount recently signed into law, there is not much new about the program for the 2023-24 school year.

The session was not recorded, but you can access the presentation slides here.

The deadline to join the program for the 2023-24 school year has passed. March 1, 2024 is the deadline to sign-up for the 2024-25 school year.

The DPI is hosting another virtual training on July 13 covering financial and audit processes for the choice and SNSP programs. Registration is limited to two officials per school. Register here.