Question: The state is not prioritizing its vaccination plans to serve teachers who are in school and have been teaching in-person, before vaccinating teachers who are, and have been, virtual-only. How do I help our in-person teachers get the COVID-19 vaccine? Is there anything we can do?

Answer: President Biden announced Tuesday (3/2) that he wants all teachers to get a vaccine by the end of March and will aim the federal supply accordingly. But, the practical application of that goal remains to be seen. So far, there is no priority being given to teachers who have been teaching in-person.

Principals can ensure their private schools are not missed in this new goal by taking the following steps:

  1. Call your County Health Department and ask if they can coordinate a vaccine day for your staff. If you have a rural, local hospital that serves your area, call them.Schools that have been able to get this have scheduled shots on a Thursday and no school on Friday, so staff can recover by Monday.
  2. If there’s no luck with the county or local hospital, will your health insurance provider hold a clinic for your staff in your school?
  3. Is there a hometown pharmacy? You could call/visit the pharmacy and ask if they can take your whole staff.One of our WCRIS schools had alumni who was connected to their local pharmacy so that helped move things along.
  4. If none of those options work, you’ll have to have each staffer contact their family doctor to get registered. Or, suggest staff go to the Walgreens, CVS, Pick ‘n Save, Metro Market website and register there.