The Personal Computing Devices Grant Program funds were vetoed by Governor Tony Evers July 3. His line-item veto of the $9.1 million appropriated for the program effectively eliminates it.

In his veto message (see page 12), Gov. Evers objected to the grant because he said the funding formula was fiscally irresponsible and cited other ways for schools to invest in technology, like the Technology for Educational Achievement (TEACH) program. Evers also noted that the funds used in the Computing Devices Grant Program could be better used to close the achievement gap through other initiatives.

The Personal Computing Device Grant Program provides matching funds for private schools to purchase devices like Chrome Books, laptops and tablets. Schools are awarded up to $125 per ninth grader for five years.

Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) has indicated that Assembly Republicans may seek to override some of the Governor’s vetoes once they resume their legislative session in September.

WCRIS will keep you posted through Current Events about whether the Personal Computing Devices Grant Program will be included in veto override efforts.