The following information is from the Council for American Private Education’s (CAPE) November newsletter. Members of WCRIS are automatically in CAPE, which represents private K-12 schools in Washington, D.C.

US Education Department Issues Revised Guidance

The Department of Education recently revised its CARES Act guidance on how ESSER funds may be calculated and used. Some notable areas of change are:

  • The LEA in which a non-public school is located is responsible for providing equitable services to students and teachers in the school.
  • An LEA must offer to provide equitable services under the CARES Act programs to students and teachers in all non-public schools located in the LEA, even if a non-public school has not previously participated under Title I, Part A or Title VIII of the ESEA.
  • All students and teachers in a non-public school are eligible to receive equitable services under the CARES Act programs, unless a Governor (under the GEER Fund) or an SEA (through the SEA reserve under the ESSER Fund) targets funds for a specific purpose or population of public and non-public school students.

Follow the COVID Relief Money

You can see how Wisconsin compares in this Hunt Institute created state-by-state breakdown of how the federally funded Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) monies are being used for Pandemic relief.

How Are Private Schools Surviving COVID-19?

The effects of the Pandemic on private K-12 schools has found that while private schools are suffering, they are not closing at levels thought in March, according to work by the CATO institute. Read more here.