Library leaders have asked WCRIS to help spread the word that several Wisconsin library systems offer the ability for you and/or your staff to sign up for over 300 free online courses.

All you need is a library card from one of the 54 public libraries in Wisconsin that offer
these free, instructor-led online courses. New sessions start monthly so you can select your own start date. The classes require roughly two to four hours each week and include interaction with the expert instructor and fellow students.

The classes each run for six weeks on subjects such as teaching and education; language and arts; law and legal; technology; personal development; writing and publishing.

In the teaching and education catalogue alone, there are 34 useful topics such as: solving classroom discipline; using Smart Boards; teaching students with ADHD; teaching students with learning disabilities; using differentiated instruction; survival kit for new teachers; guided reading; teaching high school; teaching pre-school; teaching students with Autism, and Singapore math.

You can see a list of classes here.

The libraries that offer the courses are listed here, List of Libraries. If your local library is not on the list, contact them and suggest they offer this service. Your support could be just what’s needed to get your library on board with this growing resource.

If your local library is not on the list, contact them and suggest they offer this service. Your support could be just what’s needed to get your library on board with this growing resource.

Private school teachers should check with their diocese, synod or sponsoring jurisdiction to see if the classes qualify for professional development. It may be helpful to know that the Wisconsin Libraries Association has certified these classes as professional development for Wisconsin librarians. At the end of the class, a test is given and those who pass get a certificate showing how many hours of continuing education the class provided.

Most of the participating libraries provide access through a link on their website. However, sometimes the link can be hard to find. If so, go to the library’s sponsoring system website, where the link is usually easier to locate.