Please note that the U.S. Department of Education has extended the deadline for the Temporary Emergency Impact Aid for Displaced Students Program (EIA). LEA applications and non-public school certifications are now due to DPI by Friday, May 25th. In addition, LEAs and non-public schools that have already submitted an application and need to make an amendment may do so by submitting a new application by May 25th.

For further information, please refer to the Information below. For questions with the application, please contact Abbie Pavela, Private School Ombudsman, at or (608) 287-1224 or visit

In response to requests from SEAs, LEAs, BIEs, and non-public schools to have additional time to collect accurate data, and to help ensure that all applicants are using accurate definitions of certain eligible local entities when preparing their submissions,US DOE will shortly publish an extension of the deadlines for both programs in the Federal Register. This message serves as an informal notification of the forthcoming extensions.

Please note that, except as detailed below, all other requirements and conditions stated in the April 25, 2018, notice announcing availability of funds and application deadlines remain the same.

Clarification of Certain EIA Definitions

In addition, some SEAs asked for clarification regarding definitions in the application instructions for the EIA program, specifically the definitions of “eligible local educational agencies” and “eligible non-public school.” Below is the statutory definition of “eligible non-public school”, which you should use in completing your application.


  • (3) Eligible non-public school. The term “eligible non-public school” means a non-public elementary school or secondary school that—
    • (A) is accredited or licensed or otherwise operates in accordance with State law;
    • (B) was in existence on the date that is one week prior to the date that the major disaster or emergency was declared for the area; and
    • (C) serves a displaced student on behalf of whom an application for an account has been made pursuant to subsection (c)(2)(A)(ii).

Displaced students attending a non-public school must meet certain additional criteria. They must have enrolled in an eligible non-public school prior to February 9, 2018, the date of enactment of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Act). The students’ parents must have chosen to enroll the students in a non-public school, and the students’ parents must submit a timely application for funding under this program to the LEA.

In addition, for-profit (public and non-public) schools are not eligible to receive assistance under this program. These K-12 Disaster Recovery programs use the definitions in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, which specify that elementary and secondary schools must be non-profit.

If you have any questions concerning the Emergency Impact Aid Program, please send them to