On Wednesday, the students at Pilgrim Lutheran School in Green Bay were excited to host a visit and receive a civics lesson from their very own Congressman, Mike Gallagher.

Rep. Gallagher taught the students about the branches of government and answered all their questions. The students were engaged and eager to ask questions.

After the presentation, Rep. Gallagher toured the school while Principal John Schultz discussed the importance of parental choice and the federal pandemic aid they received.

But school visits are not just for members of Congress. WCRIS encourages its members to invite their school’s state Assembly representative and Senator to visit and interact with their students.

Many representatives enjoy teaching students about their roles and other civic matters. Give them a tour and offer to feed them lunch in the school cafeteria. Take pictures. Educate them about how you serve the community, employ workers and support the local economy.

If you don’t know which state legislators represent your school, visit the Members Map on the WCRIS website. If you would like to discuss logistics or need some pointers, or help setting up an appointment, please contact the WCRIS office. We’re happy to help.

Invite legislators now to get them into your school before the end of the school year or early next Fall.