Free Parent Webinar

WCRIS has teamed up with university experts, College Inside Track, to offer a free webinar on Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. about recent changes to the college application process, from admission trends, financial aid insights and the importance of ACT/SAT scores.

This webinar is free to all parents at WCRIS schools. Go here for a link to include in your school’s newsletter, websites and social media pages.

Calling All Aspiring Lawmakers

Applications are open for Wisconsin’s Senate Scholar Program. Students aged 16-18 are encouraged to apply by Nov. 17.

One student from each senate district will be chosen for the week-long program in Madison where they’ll attend floor debates, committee hearings and have the opportunity to work with senators and legislative staff on policy development, constituent relations and more.

The application requires various components so it’s recommended you share this opportunity with your students and families as soon as possible. Learn more here.