WCRIS wants its students to be in secure learning and worship environments. Therefore, we share several planning resources available for churches/religious entities in the wake of the recent Texas synagogue shooting. These federal publications include security information for K-12 religious schools.

Some key tools from the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) are listed below. Within the online publications are links to free posters, hand-outs, guides, and fliers to post in your buildings:

  • The CISA faith-based security website provides direct access to the multitude of tools and resources specifically geared towards houses of worship security.
  • The Security Self-Assessment Tool allows individuals with little to no security experience to determine potential vulnerabilities and commence the process to develop a security plan.
  • The Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide provides insight into the threats posed to houses of worship based on a review of incidents in a 10-year span and suggests tangible protective measures.
  • The Power of Hello Guide for Houses of Worship assists non-security professionals in better identifying and effectively responding to suspicious behavior. The guide facilitates the identification of observable suspicious behaviors, suggests questions to consider when navigating the threat, and includes information on when and how to obtain help. Much of this applies to K-12 religious schools.
  • The De-Escalation Series assists non-security professionals in recognizing the warning signs of someone on a path to violence; assessing if the situation or person of concern is escalating, or if an emergency response is needed immediately. It covers how to de-escalate the situation currently taking place through purposeful actions, verbal communication, and body language.

You may want to share this information with your sponsoring church, especially if it’s physically connected to your school building.