Gov. Evers held his first 2023-2025 budget listening session virtually last night and took input from some of the more than 200 attendees, which included WCRIS school representatives.

Attendees commented on how the state’s record surplus should be budgeted. During the one-hour event, a common request in the education break-out Zoom room was to fund all K-12 schools equitably, whether charter, voucher or public schools. There is an $8,000-$10,000 gap in funding between the sectors.

Gov. Evers mentioned the education room’s call for equitable funding when recapping what he heard as he bounced through five rooms, each devoted to a different issue.

Private schools were well-represented by our members, including Jim Piatt of Messmer Schools and Maureen Gunn from Saint Marcus Lutheran School. Both schools have a very large voucher student enrollment in Milwaukee.

The Governor will hold more live listening sessions at various locations around the state. He presents his budget to the legislature for consideration Feb. 15. The legislature will likely hold listening sessions too. The budget must be approved by June 30 or funding continues at present levels.

Stay tuned to Current Events for details and how you can help.