Gets Message for K-12 Religious Schools

WCRIS was one of 900 organizations from around the nation that was invited to attend a White House conference call on COVID-19 for faith leaders Thursday afternoon.

The conference included a briefing from Dr. Deborah Birx, a lead physician on the President’s task force addressing the pandemic, and representatives from Vice President Mike Pence’s office and the White House Office of Public Liaison.

WCRIS Executive Director Sharon Schmeling was invited to join the call as a continuation of her meeting at the White House in December, which focused on the President’s faith-based legislative initiatives, which are on hold as America fights the Coronavirus.

Key take-aways for private school leaders from the one-hour conference call:

  1. Social distancing should not lead to social isolation. Faith leaders, including those who operate religious K-12 schools, are vital components of helping the public stay calm and focused on shared sacrifice during the pandemic. Faith leaders were urged to use social media, phone trees, radio and TV interviews to help comfort their communities, and encourage best health practices to fend against the virus.
  2. Encourage your communities to follow the direction of local and state elected officials. Their information is reliable and they are making decisions based on the needs of your state and region, which differ vastly across the country.
  3. The White House is recommending that extended families not gather for Passover or Easter. This is a time for sacrifice. Call your extended relatives instead of meeting with them.
  4. Urge your community members to stay home. Do not gather in groups of more than 10. Practice social distancing even in your home. Wash your hands. Wipe down door handles, light switches and surfaces regularly with disinfectant cleaners.

You can see the White House guide on slowing the spread of COVID-19 here.